Automated Comunication

Smart AI With

Bot Ezy

Deliver Better Customer Service


Get the tools you need to provide excellent customer support and a stellar live chat experience.

Driven by Artificial Intelligence

Smart Bot

Build and launch conversational chatbots. No coding required. Easily automate customer service.

Automation Meets Conversation


Increase revenues, generate leads, and improve sales workflows with our innovative marketing tools.

Trusted by 4500+ Global Clients

Trusted by 4500+ Global Clients


Customer Service
Build a Stronger Relationship with Your Customers
Managing Your Business Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
Comunication Management Software

Live Demo

Mobile Ready

Comunicate with your customers the way you like to comunicate. Train AI to answer their questions while you are away. 

Product Features

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Chatbots Powered by OpenAI and Dialogflow

Speed customer resolutions and automate conversations by engaging one of the most advanced forms of artificial intelligence in the world. This can be done easily in just a few minutes.

Smart Chat for Better Support and Marketing

Automate your customers’ communication with artificial intelligence-driven bots and a chat system optimized for conversational marketing. Save time, increase revenue, and use the software you already know and love.

No Coding Skills Required

Automatically train OpenAI with your web content and use Dialogflow to input tailored questions and answers.

Learn While You Build

Start with a basic chatbot and learn how to use more advanced features, like contexts, and entities, when you’re ready.

Online Guides and Videos

There are plenty of online resources, including tutorials, help articles, and videos, about Dialogflow and OpenAI.

Human Takeover

Human Takeover

At the end of the day, humans are always in control of our software. If the chatbot fails to answer, you can command control over a conversation. The chatbot only alerts agents when needed via various methods.

  • Multiple human take over methods
  • Notifications only when needed
  • User confirmations
  • Other options



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